Transport for London introduced temporary changes along the A21 from Catford into Lewisham In September 2020 during the Covid pandemic to encourage more people to walk and cycle.
The changes, which also aimed to speed up bus journeys, were introduced as an experiment, to try the scheme for 18 months.
In May 2022 TfL launched a six-month consultation on changes.
The consultation ends on November 30. There’s still time to tell TfL about your views and experience of these changes.
Respond to
TfL’s initial findings after monitoring the impact of the scheme are:
Cycling: This scheme provides protected cycle space, including lightly segregated cycle lanes long Molesworth Street and parts of Lewisham High Street.
The report finds that since the start of the scheme in September 2020 there has been an increasing number of cyclists along this corridor throughout the week.
But it says it is too early in the experiment to judge whether the general increase in cycling is the result of the impacts of the scheme or the usual higher levels of cycling normally experienced in the summer months.
TfL will continue to monitor cycle numbers, but overall, it is pleased with the increase in cycling.
Bus journey times: Monitoring of local bus journey times has suggested that buses are generally quicker than they were before the introduction of the experimental scheme although the Southbound A21 has shown a slight deterioration in average bus speeds.
Road safety: The report says after comparing the number of collisions from an 11-month period before and after the scheme was introduced there has been no significant change.
So far the consultation has received 1,047 responses. It will remain open until 30 November. “Everyone can reply as many times as they wish – there is no limit on the number of times we’d like to know about your experiences of the experimental scheme,” says the report.
You can respond through TfL’s website at